ERIMIS participation in events
Attended events
Poetry as Systemic Reflexivity. A Writing Workshop, webinarorganised by Murmurations:Journal oftransformative systemic practice Apr 8, 5:00 PM–7:30 PM CET
NDC2 Workshop – A Supervision of Solidarity: An Ethics of Justice-Doing in Community Work, by Rikky Reynolds, 14 May, 2024, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Masterclass met Marie Rose Moro: Werken met gezinnen die van elders komen, Frankrijk en Nederland, 7 March, 2024,Utrecht,The Netherlands
NVRG Congress ” Inclusion and fusion” , 8 March 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Guest speakers: Marie Rose Moro, Jim van Os, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger,Ellen Grootoonk
‘Under Construction’ en … blijft ‘Under Construction’-, 40 jaar jubileum NVRG lustrum Congress:, 24-25 March, 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Webinar Explosive Kids, Explosive Parents: Family Trauma Solution Confirmation, organised by Family Trauma Institute, 8 February, 2023
NVRG Studiemiddag WAC ‘SCORE-15 app in systeemtherapie en praktijkonderzoek, 25 november 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Online Masterclass ‘Deugdelijke dossiervoering’, organised by NVRG and de Clercq, Advocaat Dr. Robert Sanders, 5 Oktober 2021, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Het NDC2 Congres ‘Worlding – Iedereen is van de wereld en de wereld is van iedereen ?!’, Utrecht, 22-23 april, 2022
Het 39e NVRG-Congres, Systeem-(OM)-Denken – Systeemdenken en de nieuwe GGZ Amare- Den Haag, 25 maart, 2022
Kick-off’ webinar in aanloop naar het NVRG-congres (2022)Systeem-(OM)-Denken – Systeemdenken en de nieuwe GGZ. Sprekers: Floortje Scheepers (psychiater en hoogleraar innovatie in de GGZ) en Carlijn Welten (kinder- & jeugdpsychiater en systeemtherapeut) , september 2021
“Psychotherapy stronger through diversity”- the 22nd World Congress of Psychotherapy organized by the International Federation for Psychotherapy (IFP) and the Dutch Psychotherapy Association (NVP), Amsterdam, June, 2018
EFTA Conversation: History and Geography of the Analytico-Systemic Model With Prof. Abbas Makké & Rony Abou Daher, Chairperson: Umberta Telfene, webinar organised by European Family Therapy Association, 29 February 2024
ESTD webinar” Adverse Childhood Experiences and Dissociation of Adults with Gender Dysphoria, Dr. Giulia Di Fini, Ph.D, European Association for Trauma and Disociation, October, 10th, 2023
ESTD webinar ” Clarifying the Concept of Attachment Trauma, with Andrea Zagaria, Ph.D, European Association for Trauma and Dissociation, October 10th, 2023
ESTD webinar Assessment of Dissociative Children and AdolescentsDifferential Diagnosis of Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders: Epidemiology, Lessons from History, Cumulative Trauma, and Mental Status Exam, ESTD webinar, conducted by Dr. Richard Loewenstein, on March 17th 2022
Presentation and updated information on the Trauma and Dissociation Symptoms Interview (TADS-I), ESTD webinar, conducted by Suzzete Boon ( PhD), January 20th, 2022
“Interventions of strengthening the Child ego state when working with children”,EATA Webinar Series 2024, TA- Best Practice, European Association for Transactional Analysis, 5 March 2024. Guest speakers Alina Comendant MSc-TA, PTSTA-P, CTA-P ( Netherlands & Romania), Tatjana Gjurkovic (Croatia), Jan Simek (Czech Republic)
Stepping Up Together: Where From and Where To? EATA-ITA Webinar, June 2022
Developing Autonomy and Resilience – EATA Conference, Belgrad ,2021
The 16th IMISCOE Conference, 26-29 June 2019, Malmo University, Sweden
ITEM Annual Conference 2018 ‘Cross-border cooperation: Challenges Ahead’ organized by the Institute for Transnational and Euro regional cross border cooperation and Mobility( ITEM)and in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions and the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission, event hosted by the European Committee of the regions, 16 November, 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Foreign Nationals in Prison & Probation ( FNPP Workshop, 2018), 9-10 October, 2018, Vaillant Theater, The Hague, The Netherlands
Choice of the destination: countries and ( im)obililities within Europe, a NVD-WODC Seminar, 9 October, 2018, The Hague, The Netherlands
What’s the Use of Race in Migration Studies?, event organized by University of Amsterdam in collaboration with RaceFaceID, the Department of Anthropology and AISSR, the 1st of October, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Participatory Theatre on Racism and Resistance: Second-Generation Dutch Youth Acting Out,University of Amsterdam, May 30th, 2018,The Netherlands
Rotterdam: Harbor or cultural haven, a lecture by Deirdre Mc Closkey , University of Illinos at Chicago (UIC), event organized by Studium Generale and Erasmus School of History and Comunication ( ESHC) and hosted by Erasmus University of Rotterdam, 24 May, 2018,The Netherlands
Stealing Jobs? Labor migration from East to West– Panel discussion from Embassy’s perspective, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, 14 May 2018, The NetherlandsWorkshop: AVG: wat betekent de nieuwe privacywetgeving voor uw organisatie, organised by PEP with the expertise from Valegis Advocaten , 20 March, 2018, Den Haag
Kerstdebat: Welkom in de participatiesamenleving?, organized by Kennisplatform Integratie en Samenleving, Utrecht, the 18th of December 2017, The Netherlands
‘Iedereen perspectief op werk’ final presentation of De Nationale Denk Tank 2017, Compagnietheater, the 11th of December,2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
‘Newcomers and entrepreneurship: pathways towards self-reliance and autonomy’, event organized by The Refugee Academy- Institute for Societal Resilience, VU Amsterdam , the 1st of December 2017, The Netherlands
Getting Respect in The Netherlands, between identity and redistribution, Conference in honor of the Erasmus 2017 Prize awarded to Michele Lamont, ECREA, University of Amsterdam, 23 November, 2017.
(Meta)Narratives on Migration films, a context – specific approach Workshop organized by The Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Utrecht University under the auspices of the Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR) , Utrecht , the 21 November, 2017, The Netherlands
Participation on Labour Market Inclusion- Project (2017) coordinated by De Nationale Denk Tank and Refugees Task Force, University of Amsterdam, 31st October, 2017
The DAMR Fall Meeting 2017 : ‘Challenging Categorization in Migration Policy and Research’ organized by The Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR) & the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Migration & Ethnic Studies (IMES)., University of Amsterdam, 27 October 2017. Keynote by Prof. Dr. Dvora Yanow, Wageningen University
‘The state of accountability’, organized as ‘Social Science Collaboration India – the Netherlands’ (SSCIN) and funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), ISS-EUR, The Hague,17-18 October, 2017 ( ERIMIS = Chair of Panel 2)
The 4th ESTIDIA Conference ‘Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication’ Sofia, Bulgaria, 29-30 September 2017. Paper presentated:’ Shifting frames and deconstructing meanings. From Multiple Identities to Identification with The Netherlands”.
International Metropolis Conference 2017 ,World Forum,18-22 September, The Hague, The Netherlands
Activism, Populism and the Future of the Democratic State- The 12th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, organized by De Montfort University Leicester in cooperation with Essex University, 5-7 July, 2017, UK . Joint Paper presentation: Citizens and Citizenship. The rhetoric of Dutch Immigrant Integration Policies in 2011.
14th IMISCOE Annual Conference , June 28-30, 2017,Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Research in Progress Seminar: Citizens and Citizenship. The rhetoric of Dutch Immigrants Integration Policy ( 2011) by Dana Rem ( ERIMIS) and Des Gasper ( ISS-EUR), International Institute of Social Studies-Erasmus University of Rotterdam ( ISS-EUR), the 4th of May, 2017, The Hague, The Netherlands
A Global Perspective on Migration: Resilience, Human Security, and Governance, organized by The Hague Institute for Global Justice in partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation on Thursday, 8 December 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands
“Politiek Café – Minister Asscher over de wij-samenleving” , organized by Pro Demos and the Bibliotheek – Haagse Schilderswijk ,10 November, 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands
The 1st International Conference “Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders”, organized by Hellenic American University / Hellenic American College, September 23rd-25th, 2016 in Athens, Greece. Joint Paper:Citizens and Citizenship. The Rhetoric of Dutch Immigrant Integration Policy 2011 [ Dana Rem-ERIMIS, Des Gasper – ISS-Erasmus University of Rotterdam]
The 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference ,Prague, June 30-July 2, 2016.
Politicologenetmaal – The 17th edition of the Dutch-Belgian Political Science Conference – organized by the Political Science Associations of Belgium (VPW) and the Netherlands (NKPW), Vrije universiteit Brussel , 2 – 3 June, 2016.
In Europe’s Shadow , An Evening with Robert Kaplan- event organized by the consortium: ALDE Group in the European Parliament, The European Network of the VVD, the Dutch Group of Liberal International (LIGN) and VVD International in cooperation with The Hague Institute for Global Justice and publisher Unieboek, The Hague, 14 March, 2016
Promoting Citizenship in the Middle East and North Africa: A Way to Solve the Present Crisis? – Public debate organized jointly by ISS and Het Grote Midden Oosten Platform, 7 December, 2015, International Institute of Social Studies -Erasmus, The Hague, The Netherlands. This panel discussion considered some of the questions relating to citizenship in the Middle East and North Africa.
WRR Lecture ‘Europe in Crisis: Looking Ahead from a Historical Perspective’ organized by the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), 3 December, 2015, Diligentia Theather, The Hague, The Netherlands.
The Porous Walls of Fortress Europe: Contemporary Media Discourse of Cultural Belonging , organized by ECREA’s Diaspora, Migration and the Media section in collaboration with Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC), Erasmus university of Rotterdam, 19-20 November 2015,The Netherlands.
The Workshop “Throwing out the baby with the bathwater? How to keep the advantages of the free movement while reducing unwanted side effects”, event organized by The Romanian Embassy in the Kingdom of The Netherlands, House of Europe, 18 November, the Hague, The Netherlands. The workshop gathers speakers from the academia and research institutions, central and local government, European institutions, international organizations, trade unions, employers and other stakeholders.
Let scientists shine! What do scientists need, in order to function and grow optimally? Conference 2015 – Elroycom, Utrecht, 6 November 2015, The Netherlands.A debate between HRM advisors and scientists, with special reference to economic and societal impact
The economic crisis, refugees and tensions at the EU external borders. The need for Solidarity in Europe, Conference organized by The Embassy of Romania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Foundation Netherlands – Romania, 3 November 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands
DiscourseNet International Congress #1: Discourse: Language, Society, Critique at University of Bremen, Germany, 24-26 September 2015
The 12th Annual IMISCOE Conference: Rights, Democracy, Migration – Challenges and Opportunities, 25-27 June, Geneva,2015
A comparative approach to family migration: interactions, interchanges, and flows, 3-5 June, University of Amsterdam, 2015; Key note speaker: Eithne Luibheid – professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona ;
Building inclusive labor markets in Europe– Seminar organized as component of INSPIRE project, coordinated by Erasmus University, 11 March, Brussels, 2015;
Romania as Member State of the European Union: the political, economic and cultural dimensions, Conference organized by The Hague University of Applied Science , The research group European Integration- together with the Foundation Romania-Olanda, 30 January, The Hague, 2015. Key note speakers; Mrs. HE Irene Comaroschi, Ambassador of Romanian Embassy in The Kingdom of The Netherlands;Mr. M.van Bonzel, Ambassador of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Romania
Is Europe coming together? What Dutch citizens think of EU Enlargement? And Poles and Bulgarians?, open public debate organized by The European Commission Representation in The Netherlands, &Leiden University,Campus The Hague, Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, 14 January, 2015,The Hague. Key note speakers:Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova, prof. Dr. Bernard Steuneneberg, Dr.Dimiter Toshkov-Leiden University;Special guest : Simon Mordue, Director D.G.Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations,European Comission