ERIMIS promotes autonomous development and independent thinking and it works as a center of critical studies, psychological counselling -, systemic and collaborative therapeutic intervention, with main focus on discoursive practices and strategies of copying , migrants and expats living in The Netherlands develop, in their efforts of accomodation to their new country of residence.
Analyzing the discourse of the immigration policies and practices , with focus on the health care system – as convergent or divergent with the discourse of Europeanization and Globalisation– is a major theme for ERIMIS. Linking the discourse of Europeanization and Globalisation with the discourse of Migration and Heath Care Practices is the departure point in ERIMIS work.
Systemic Therapeutic Intervention and Psychological Support to all who fall apart from ‘ the BIG melting’ pot is ERIMIS’s main concern and focus.
Migrants and expats living in The Netherlands are our main target and immigration policies and healthcare related policies and practices, in the country -, are our main focus and field of intervention.
Policy documents, legislation bills, academic reports released after the supposed failure of Multiculturalism in Europe are taken for critical analysis. The findings of what the text analysis reveals, serve as elements for policy inquiry – frame reflection– and policy intervention.
Practices and patterns as observed at the society level, life experiences and stories, as described by migrants themselves, are taken for further analysis, methodological review, psychological support and systemic therapeutic intervention.
The field of migration studies has been dominated for many years by a positivist discourse, whilst the value neutrality of the scientist was taken for granted. The assumption that the researcher speaks the truth in the name of the science, is no longer implicitly presumed, while new paradigms in innovative research underline new directions for the practice of social intervention.
We argue that migration field is in need for an innovative approach, based on critical reflection and ethical awareness, that ‘challenges the prevailing, objectivist view of policy analysis ‘[D. Schon and M.Rein ,1994].
Drawing out the guiding values used in any analysis, should be a point of departure in scholars work and practitioners, as well an issue for further investigation.
A clarification of the role-status position(s) often conflicting power positions of the researcher(s) & practitioners – here perceived as actor(s) involved in knowledge production knowledge transmission and knowledge reproduction – would balance the epistemic power and create the premises for making someone trustable for and accountable to those for whom the policy is thought.
With these assumptions in mind, we argue that an authentic Policy – Research Dialog , connecting Migration Studies as Research Domain with Immigration ( HealthCare) Policies as ‘ Input Domain’ requires the recognition of the following PRINCIPLES, as MUST guiding TOOLS in researchers and practitioners work:
1 – Ethical awareness
2. – Accountability
3. – Inclusiveness